Saturday, 13 June 2015


We humans are the reason behind the anger of Mother Nature. We do everything which would make her angry, from cutting down jungles, destroying Mother Nature's beauty, blowing down mountains, polluting rivers and sea, polluting the air, noise pollution, using plastic bags most of the time and many more.

Instead of using paper and plastic bags, if we start using bags made of clothes it will really help to save the environment at some point.
Our ancestor used to walk miles but nowadays it's different; people want to save time. It's good but just to go down to the street some people use motor bikes or cars. If we really love our Mother Nature, like European countries, we can use cycles; paddling is good exercise too. Whatever we do, it comes back to us.

Many industrial hazardous wastes can be recycled safely and effectively. Hazardous waste is recycled if it is used, reused or reclaimed.

Holy rivers which are polluted due to rituals performed by the Hindus after cremation. Ashes and fragments of bone are collected and eventually immersed in a holy river. Instead of polluting the Holy rivers, if they make wells which have holy water from these rivers, the remains can eventually be immersed in those wells. Most of the time you can use garlands and flowers to throw into the rivers and the sea. If they place a box near the rivers and sea and bring into the knowledge of the people to dump the garland and flower into the box instead of the sea or rivers. It helps to keep the sea and rivers clean.
If school books are covered with newspapers, instead of using brown papers or plastic cover, we will save paper. This way children learn to save paper but who cares; everything is about business.

The Earth is made by God and we are guardians of it. Let's keep our Almighty's property clean and peace.

Written by shaheen sayyed

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