Sunday, 7 June 2015

House wife

She is just a housewife.
She works whole day.
She care's about everyone.
Even if she is sick, she never gives up.
She try to fulfill everyone's wish,
But at the end of the day,
She get something new to deal with.

When she is introduced, they just say she is a house wife and nothing else and a smile on her face hide so much pain, but no time to comfort her as everyone have their achievements to gain.

Her husband and child(ren) feel she do nothing, just cook and enjoy at home, her husband thinks she sit and enjoy every daily soaps and yet she is the budget master, she controls everything as whenever you ask her she always  have saving.

The day she plans to take some rest
Some guest just drop down for the weekend.

As if washing, cleaning, cooking and accounting isn't enough. She is also In charge of her kids and If a child miss behave she is blamed for her raising.

She isn't careless but sometimes, she is tired but no one can understand that 
Because every individual is busy with their own life. She don't understand why everyone screams at her and even then she just kept quite thinking that "She's just a house wife"

written by shaheen sayyed

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