Thursday, 4 June 2015

Anna Kuwaiti ( I'm Kuwaiti )

One of the richest country in the world, my beloved Kuwait. People from all around the world come here to make their fortune bright.
They have to work hard to survive here.
Most of us  think almost all the Kuwaitis are rich they have more than enough money to spend their lives, they stay in  big houses and use  most expensive cars and live a lavish life so far its true but the fact is different. Most of the Kuwaitis are middle class. They survive on their salaries and  get support from their government. Their houses are on loan, not only houses even their cars. Many are still staying like us in rental apartments or villa and are waiting to build their houses  (their dream home). Their kids are going to government schools and like us they also take treatment in government hospitals, they also have to follow the process of the government for everything.

In their own country in many barging markets they pay more than what we pay because the salesman always recognizes them and sells the product at high rates,it doesn't surprise them they know this fact.

I have always seen Kuwaiti (males/females) paying some amount of money as they take service in supermarkets from the delivery men. When they see an accident or see people need help on the road or anywhere they are the one who come forward to help others. If we clap with both the hands you get to hear the sound but if you clap with only one hand there will be no sound.

People  are not same like our five fingers. Every human being has their own character. They are divided into three categories - Good, Bad and Ugly. Most of us who have met good Kuwaitis for them Kuwaitis are good people for others they are bad but if you compare Kuwaitis with other Gulf nationalities Kuwaitis are the best. They are helpful, friendly people who want to enjoy every moment of their life and know to respect others,and believe in helping others. Maybe people from your own nationality will think hundred times to help us, but if your lucky to have a Kuwaiti friend he/she will for sure help you many times. You can notice on the airport they personally come to send off their drivers and house maids. Not only that, a couple of times I have seen them  carrying their luggage and paying extra for their excess luggage. You can see many housemaids enjoying their meals in Restaurants and malls,with their sponsor's families. Whenever I used to visit fast food restaurants I used to feel bad when I saw some of the maids weren't provided with the meals that the Kuwaiti families were enjoying. I have seen the Kuwaiti parents punishing their kids for disrespecting their maids or others and grown up. Kuwaitis call their maids mama before their names but we only notice the negative part of it. Like us, they also face penalties and charges some of them become witness and help the expats to get their rights from other Kuwaitis.

They always believe in returning favor and if once they trust you they will always.

Even in our homelands there are people who aren't God fearing and treat others like animals but because it's our homeland we ignore it.

Written by Shaheen Sayyed

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